As a student, we often wonder how we are going to find a job after college? Many of us are familiar with LinkedIn, where we connect with professionals and potential employers. What about students? Where do we connect? This is where HandShake comes in. Based on experience, HandShake is an excellent tool if used right. Think of it as a LinkedIn for students. Based on experience, I see companies offer internships, full time jobs, and even sponsor visas for eligible individuals! As a student we need to take this seriously because it’s the first big step after graduation. Some tips on finding an opportunity:

  • Complete your profile! Recruiters want to know that you’re serious about this. You want to present a professional image of yourself. Treat this profile like your billboard. The better it is, the more “calls” you will get. I always have a rule that sometimes your first impression is your last impression.
  • Connect, connect, connect! Don’t be afraid to reach out to other students and alumni. Use the opportunity to learn from each other. Ask peers about their experiences and get informational interviews if possible.
  • Once you complete your profile, enhance it. Personalize your profile by adding interests, classes, degree, and even your GPA. Give your profile a personal touch, it will look better to someone who views your profile.
  • Attend Career Fairs in HandShake. We can see the employers attending the event. Do your research on employers and attend their briefings. Sometimes you can even schedule a one-on-one info session with their recruiters. You can register in advance to attend a session from an employer. Get in there and ask questions! Ask for qualifications and how to improve your application. Recruiters should be able to give you tips on what the company is looking for.

These are only a few tips for HandShake. It is ultimately up to us to use this resource and drive our success. Follow these instructions to access Handshake. Your Virtual Student SHRM Chapter team will actively work to give you the best resources to boost your personal and professional goals. Looking forward to seeing everyone in HandShake!


John Gonzales
Director of Communications & Social Media
Forbes School of Business & Technology SHRM Chapter